Making a
Before commencing, read through all the instructions.
- To make the bow, cut a piece of fabric and net 42cms
(16½") x 22cms (8 ½")
- Place the net onto the wrong side of the fabric.
- With right sides together, machine a 1.5cms (½")
seam down the longest edge (see fig. 54).
Press the
seam open.
- Turn through to the right side.
Flatten out the
tube so that the seam lies down the centre (see fig. 55).
- Seam the ends of the tube, with right sides together, to
form a ring.
Turn the seam to the inside of the ring (see fig
- Pinch the centre of the bow together, forming
an inverted pleat, stitch to secure.
- Cut a strip of fabric 4 cms (1½") x 13cms
Fold the longest edges into the centre of the strip, to conceal
the raw edges.
- Wrap the strip around the centre of the bow, trim away
excess fabric and stitch to secure (see fig 57).
- To make the tails for the bow, cut two strips
of fabric 14cms (5½" wide x 40cms (16") long.
- With right sides together, fold the strips in half
- At the bottom of the strip, machine a line at a 45°
angle starting at the folded edge.
Continue machining up the side,
taking a 1.5cms (½") seam allowance (see fig. 58).
Trim away excess fabric at the point.
for the other tail.
- Turn the tails through to the right side and press.
- Put the two tails together, overlapping at the top but
with the tips facing inwards and slightly apart.
Turn over 1.5cms
(½") at the top of the tails and stitch to the back of the bow (see fig.
Making a Maltese
Before commencing, read through all the instructions.
- Cut two pieces of fabric and net 42cms (16½") x
22cms (8½").
- Continue as for 'Making a bow, steps 2 - 5).
- Take one ring, pinch in the centre to make a bow and
stitch to secure.
- Place the bow inside the second ring at right angles,
pinch the front and the back of the second ring separately and stitch to
- Cover a 29mm (1 1/8") button in fabric and sew
in the centre of the Maltese cross to finish (see fig. 60).
Making a
Before commencing, read through all the
- Cut a piece of fabric 8cms (3") x 72cms (28").
- Seam, with right sides together, down the shortest edge
taking a 1.5cms (½") seam allowance (see fig. 61).
- Press the seam open.
- Fold the strip in half placing the raw edges
Using strong thread and starting with a knot, sew a running
stitch 0.5cms (¼") in from the raw edge (see fig. 62).
- Pull the thread to make a tight circle and
secure (see fig. 63).
- Cover a 29mm (1 1/8") button in fabric and sew in the
centre of the rosette to finish (see fig. 64).