Cutting Patterned Fabric
 The Encyclopaedia of Curtains, page 119
© Copyright Merrick & Day

When you lay out the fabric, start your measurements at the hem and count up. It's unlikely that a finished length will Incorporate a full pattern at the top and bottom. An incomplete pattern is less obvious in a heading - it's better to put a full pattern, at the hem. The diagram shows the adjusted cut drop measurement to use when you cut out all of the lengths. All the cut lengths have to start at the same part of the pattern so that they match at the seams when they are joined.

1 Check the pattern repeat. This is the distance before the pattern repeats itself. A simple pattern repeat will usually match horizontally across the fabric.

2 Adjust the remaining lengths to allow for the pattern to be matched. You can do it by physically laying out each length, or just by measuring if you have calculated the adjusted cut drop accurately.

This repeats itself diagonally across the width. To match the panels, the cutting measurement is the adjusted cut drop + 1/2 a pattern repeat.

The pattern will alternate on the cut panels, so as you cut each one, number it at the top. Seam them up in this order

If you have an even number of widths, the central opening, called the leading edge', will fall between whole widths.

If you need an odd number of widths (there are three in the diagram below), allow an extra full repeat on the final width. Cut down the centre and match the right hand half to the outside of the first panel. Trim the excess from both halves. This keeps whole widths at the centre.

Professional tip

